Having a great interest in traditional brew herbs, we were very pleased to finally get our hands on some bog myrtle, a traditional Scottish and northern european brew herb. Bog myrtle was originally used as a bittering agent and flavourant however is tough to get a hold of in dried form due its heavy regulation by the EU as a result of its mild medicinal properties; as such it must be harvested fresh and dried for use. For this beer we took 5l after the mash from the Voss Kveik Dark Mild and then performed a separate boil in parallel with the bog myrtle as we had only enough for this amount.
Grain Bill (a la Voss Kviek Dark Mild)
- 4.5kg - Pilsner
- 1kg - Light Crystal
- 0.5kg - Dark Crystal
- 0.25kg - DRC
- 0.037kg - Black
- 0.5kg - Dark Belgian Candi Sugar
Mashed for 60min at 66.5C
Liquor to Grist: 2.5 : 1 (Approx.)
Boiled for 60 minutes, with the following fun additions:
- 45min 15g Bog Myrtle
- 15min 5g Bog Myrtle
- 5min 5g Bog Myrtle
Yielded 5l.
Dark Mild Yeast
- OG: 1.048
- FG: 1.015
- ABV: 4.3%
Gale Ale by Edinburgh Brewing Cooperative is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.