After reading Lars’ blog [] and gaining an insight into Norweigan farmhouse brewing, we had a go at a dark mild with Sigmund’s Voss Kveik yeast from Yeast Bay. As we wrote on our recipe; “Fusing the norweigan kveik yeast (farmhouse), and 19th/early 20th century mild recipes to create a brew of bastardised brilliance”.
Grain Bill
- 4.5kg - Pilsner
- 1kg - Light Crystal
- 0.5kg - Dark Crystal
- 0.25kg - DRC
- 0.037kg - Black
- 0.5kg - Dark Belgian Candi Sugar
Mashed for 60min at 66.5C
Liquor to Grist: 2.5 : 1 (Approx.)
Boiled for 90 minutes, with the following fun additions:
60min: 15g Target 30min: 15g Styrian Bobek 30min: 30g Juniper 20min: 30g Juniper 15min: 3.75g Target 15min: 3.75g Styrian Bobek 10min: 10g Juniper 1min: 7.5g Target 1min: 7.5g Styrian Bobek
Yielded 20l.
Sigmunds Voss Kveik
- OG: 1.048
- FG: 1.015
- ABV: 4.3%
Dry Hopping
- 25g Saaz per 15 Litres / 3 Days.
Voss Kveik Dark Mild by Edinburgh Brewing Cooperative is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.