With the IBD homebrew competition coming up once again (which we placed second at last year with out atlantic brown ale) we decided to renew our love affair with the brown ale by throwing more hops into it than we usually care to in an attempt to create a brown IPA (an official sub-category of IPA as recognised by the BJCP believe it or not). This was very much a collaboration brew with our friend Billy joining in and our own Gav joining us for the first time in a while.
James is a big fan of big strong beer. We decided to indulge him by brewing a nice complex imperial stout.
In light of a tasting of Dugges’ imperial stout that was split into a number of curated batches, each taken on by a member of staff, we elected to try something similar. We brewed a base pale ale with NZ hops and then gave 5l to each of our 4 main brewers, as we have a larger brew length than that we left the rest as a nice NZ pale ale. The only aim for each was to create something unique involving honey.
Our first order! They were unspecific however, so we elected to brew a Best Bitter for November’s Students for Cooperation conference.