Bees. We love bees. And herbs.
Grain Bill
Mashed the following:
- 25% Spelt (1kg)
- 25% Wheat (1kg)
- 5% Munich (0.25kg)
- 5% Flaked Oats (0.25kg)
- 5% Vienna (0.25kg)
- 35% Extra Pale 2-row (1.75kg)
Sparged up to 20L.
Boiled for 90 minutes, with the following fun additions:
- 14g Calamus Root
- 14g Calamus Root
- 14g Calamus Root
- 14g Green Cardomom Pods
- 14g Toasted Coriander
- Most of a packet of bee pollen
Yeast was pitched after the boil was cooled to 25°C..
Original Gravity: 1.034.
Bee Pollen Wit by Edinburgh Brewing Cooperative is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.