After sampling some of our previous chang 1 year on, and it being absolutely delicious, we decided to do another. As the process to make it is reasonably simple we decided to be extra ambitious and make it during a regular brew day (whilst doing the Sichuan IPA!). This went pretty well.
As a follow up to our previous attempt at a richer plae ale, we decided to revisit it and make some improvements. In a recent collaboration brew with Henry Bealby’s Cat Asylum brewery, we brewed an X ale with a high proportion of maize which gave quite a nice dry finish to what was otherwise essentially a full on brown ale, this effect we tried to make use of here. Carapils was also decreased to 5% in line with maltsters recommendations and a higher proportion of vienna malt used in place of 2-row. Slovenian noble hops were used in place of our previous hopping regimen.
In March this year we went down to the Cat Asylum brewery in Collingham near Lincoln to brew a collaborative beer with Henry Bealby.
With the summer coming up we decided to brew something good to drink in the hopeful event of sunshine in Edinburgh. We’d not done a Hef before so thought now’d be a good time. Due to it being the season, we also made this our first experiment proper with cherry addition and aging.